It was someone on Twitter and I really liked the idea. So kudos to them.Dave's a mess wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:30 amMcKenna is a great call. I don't know if he's done in game analysis, but I believe he's done a good job at intermissions. Best idea with a reasonable chance of actually happening yet. Points for SK!BluesSK wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:28 am Some lunatics on Twitter actually suggested Joe Vitale. They must be either insane or related to him.
I saw Mike McKenna mentioned and that would be a really interesting choice. He's a cerebral guy and really knows the game and I'm sure he can pronounce lackadaisical.
I haven't heard him do intermission calls but I've heard him on some podcasts and interviews. He really knows his stuff and breaks it down nicely for the average listener.