New playoffs header image
1be sure to clear your cache & refresh to see it. will be updated after every win. hopefully, 16 times.
Or maybe we should adopt this young Florida woman, who survived an equivalent encounter quite bravely ... Woman goes to hospital with shark attached to armTurk Sanderson wrote:You should probably take down that Shark image and replace it with a picture of Joe Pavelski.
I saw quite a few Blues players skating around with Sharks attached to them last night.JMC-STL wrote:Or maybe we should adopt this young Florida woman, who survived an equivalent encounter quite bravely ... Woman goes to hospital with shark attached to armTurk Sanderson wrote:You should probably take down that Shark image and replace it with a picture of Joe Pavelski.
You mean that there's not gonna be any moderation on this board for the rest of the week?T.C. wrote:i'm traveling today through saturday, so i won't be here to make the necessary changes when they win the next two. i will do so when i get back, don't worry. hell, i won't even be able to watch the next two games. sucks.
we should be so lucky.JMC-STL wrote:Jay Bouwmeester falling off a golf cart?
draw it up.Turk Sanderson wrote:How about Hitch at the helm of a sinking ship with a few rats jumping overboard.